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(978) 922-2280

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100 Cummings Center Suite 307-E Beverly, MA 01915

Fee Schedule

NSCC Service Fees

Standard Charges for Services

These are North Shore Counseling Center’s standard charges for services. We will bill your insurance company for your services. Allowed amounts vary depending on insurance company. Your insurance company may pay all, part, or none of the charge and may direct NSCC to bill you for Deductibles, Co-Pays, Co-Insurances, and/or balances. It is your responsibility to understand what services your insurance company covers at what level.

Outpatient Therapy Sessions

  • Initial Intake: $250
  • Individual Therapy (1 Hour): $200
  • Individual Therapy (45 Mins.): $150
  • Individual Therapy (30 Mins.): $100
  • Family/Couple Therapy: $175
  • Family/Case Consultation: $50/15 Mins
  • Group Therapy: $100

Medication Clinic Sessions

  • Initial Intake: $250
  • Follow-up Visit (20 Mins.): $100
  • Follow-up Visit (30 Mins.): $150
  • Follow-up Visit (40 Mins.): $200

Missed Appointments

No-Show/Late Cancel = $100

A 24-hour notice is required to cancel an appointment. If you do not provide us with a 24-hour notice to cancel that is considered a “Late Cancel”. If you do not attend your appointment that is considered a “No-Show”. Late Cancels and No-Shows are not billable to insurance companies and are billed to you directly.

North Shore Counseling Center